Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Democracy

Course Calendar

August 20 – December 14
Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Democracy
1:30 – 2:20 MWF in Administration Building 337
Calendar last updated on November 25
August 20 (Monday)
* Nothing for today.
August 22 (Wednesday)
* Note: Classes begin
August 24 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: The Back Story
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: Preface
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 1 – 6
* Read for today: Smith, Zeric Kay. 2000
August 27 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Modernization and Nationalism
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 6 – 20
* Read for today: Riggs, Fred W. 2002
August 29 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Causes of Ethnic Violence
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 21 – 34
August 31 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: States and National Self-Determination
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 44 – 66
September 3 (Monday)
* Holiday: Labor Day
* Holiday: Labor Day: No Classes
September 5 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: NSD: The Morality Argument
* Read for today: McRoberts, Kenneth. 2001
September 7 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Rwanda: The 100 Days
September 10 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Humanitarian Emergencies
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 70 – 75
* Major assignment due today:
Research Question
September 12 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Failed States and Rogue States
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 75 – 86
* Note: Mass of the Holy Spirit
September 14 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Ethnic Conflict Resolution by Third-Parties
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 86 – 90
September 17 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Ethnic Conflict Resolution by the United Nations
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 90 – 96
September 19 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Ethnic Conflict Resolution by IGOs and NGOs
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 96 – 116
September 21 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Easterly Article
* Read for today: Easterly, William. 2001
September 24 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: Chechnya
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 120 – 146
September 26 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: Chechnya
* Read for today: Toft, Monica Duffy. 2003: 1-17
September 28 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: Chechnya
* Read for today: Toft, Monica Duffy. 2003: 64-87
October 1 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: The Québécois in Canada (FLQ)
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 150 – 173
* Read for today: McRoberts, Kenneth. 2001
October 3 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: The Jura in Switzerland
* Read for today: Jenkins, John R. G. 1986: 90-107
October 5 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: Tamils in Sri Lanka (LTTE)
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 176 – 200
October 8 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Terrorism in Democracies: Kurds in Turkey (PKK)
* Read for today: Yeğen, Mesut. 2007
* Read for today: Smith/Kocamahhul, Joan. 2001
* Holiday: Columbus Day
* Holiday: Lailat Ul Qadr
October 10 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Simmering Ethnic Conflicts: Ethiopia and Eritrea
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 207 – 228
October 12 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Simmering Ethnic Conflicts: Somalia and Nigeria
* Read for today: Stevenson, Jonathan. 1993
* Major assignment due today:
Literature Review
October 15 (Monday)
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
* Note: Mid-Semester's grade reports due
October 17 (Wednesday)
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
October 19 (Friday)
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
October 22 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Issue Study I: Failed States
* Read for today: Dreazen, Yochi J., Philip Shishkin, Greg Jaffe, and Neil King Jr. 2006
* Read for today: Logan, Justin, and Christopher Preble. 2006
* Read for today: Kolstø, Pål. 2006
October 24 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Issue Study Ia: Effects of the Sudanese Failed State
* Read for today: Taylor, Max, and Mohamed E. Elbushra. 2006
October 26 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Issue Study II: Military Interventions
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 232 – 260
* Note: Last day to withdraw with a 'W'
October 29 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Issue Study IIa: Moral Hazards and Military Interventions
* Read for today: Dowd, Bryan E. 1982
* Read for today: Crawford, Timothy W., and Alan J. Kuperman. 2005
* Read for today: Grigorian, Arman. 2005
* Read for today: Rauchhaus, Robert W. 2005
October 31 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Issue Study III: US Foreign Policy Implications
* Read for today: Taras and Ganguly 2006: 264 – 272
* Holiday: Samhain
November 2 (Friday)
* Note: No Class: Work on your case study
* Holiday: All Souls Day
November 5 (Monday)
* Note: No Class: Work on your case study
November 7 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Course Review
* Major assignment due today:
Case Study
November 9 (Friday)
* Examination: Day One (Objective)
November 12 (Monday)
* Examination: Day Two (Essay)
November 14 (Wednesday)
* Note: No Class
* Note: Work on examination and paper
November 16 (Friday)
* Examination: Day Three (Take Home due)
November 19 (Monday)
* Note: Class will meet in Room 426
* Discussion Topic: PowerPoint Help
* Discussion Topic: Presentation Help
November 21 (Wednesday)
* Holiday: Thanksgiving Recess: No Classes
November 23 (Friday)
* Holiday: Thanksgiving Recess: No Classes
November 26 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: In-Class Activity
November 28 (Wednesday)
* Major assignment due today:
Final Draft
* Presentations: Ariel Wert
* Presentations: Justin Parsley
* Presentations: John Wiebelhaus
* Presentations: Bettina Huntenburg
November 30 (Friday)
* Presentations: Katy Childers
* Presentations: Marcela Morales
* Presentations: Sarah Cavanaugh
December 3 (Monday)
* Presentations: Ashley Lone Wolf
* Presentations: Tara Burnette
* Presentations: Ben Pham
December 5 (Wednesday)
* Presentations: Katherine McNally
* Presentations: Adam Kalin
* Presentations: Alexis Puttmann
* Presentations: Kyle Wiederholt
December 7 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Course Round Table
December 10 (Monday)
* Note: Semester Exams begin
December 12 (Wednesday)
* Nothing for today.
 One Week Two Weeks Month All
Quizzes and Exams:
*Day One (Objective)
*Day Two (Essay)
*Day Three (Take Home due)
*Final Examination (11:40)