
Below are links to assignments for the course. If data is associated with the assignment, it will be linked here. When you download anything except for the actual assignment, browsers and operating systems handle the downloads differently. The basic process is the right-click and select “Save Target as...” or “Save Link as...”. On the window that pops up, change “Save as Type” to “All Files” and make sure the file has the appropriate extension (suffix).
Note that assignments need to be emailed to the professor no later than Sunday night (11:59pm), and that you need to attach your solutions and your analysis script.


No. Due Date Description


August 21, 2011


This survey gives me more information about you, your history, and your skills with statistics and writing. One data file is associated with this assignment: positioningtubes.csv. Make sure you read the directions closely.

Note: Please note that you will have to download the .docx file from the link and open it locally.


This provides the answers and survey results for the zeroeth assignment.


This provides the R script I used for this assignment.


August 28, 2011


This assignment introduces you to modes of science and performing tests of two means. One data file is associated with this assignment: studentHeight.csv. Make sure you read the directions closely.

[] This is the write-up for the first problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script. I also used a more complicated script, which created the graphs and saved them to my computer for use later.


September 4, 2011


This assignment has you test null hypotheses comparing means and has you decide which assumptions are necessary, how to check those assumptions, and what to do when those assumptions are violated. Two data files are associated with this assignment: clf and biome2. Make sure you read the directions closely.

[] This is the write-up for the second problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script. I also used a more complicated script, which created the graphs and saved them to my computer for use later.


September 11, 2011


This assignment has you focus on a single data set (gdpcap) and perform an extensive analysis of that data using tools we have discussed throughout the semester.

[] This is the write-up for the third problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script.


September 18, 2011


This assignment has you focus on Monte Carlo techniques. The first problem tests a test and some common statements from Statistics textbooks. The second problem uses Monte Carlo to create a distribution for your own test statistic.

[] This is the write-up for the fourth problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script.


September 25, 2011


This assignment gives you a data file and a question to answer (and some restrictions). Your job is to appropriately use statistical techniques to answer the question under the presented restrictions.

[] This is the write-up for the fifth problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script.


October 2, 2011

There is no assigment this week.


October 9, 2011


This assignment concerns creating prediction curves that illustrate the reults of your modeling. There are different-than-usual directions for this assignment. Make sure you read the instructions.

[7] This is the R script.


October 16, 2011


This assignment has you revisit the gdpcap data. This time, you will try four different modeing strategies and select the best of the four.

[] This is the write-up for the eighth problem set. To find the solutions, I created an R script.


October 23, 2011


This assignment has two problems. The first mimics something in the book, but allows you the freedom to do the book example one better. The second revisits Assignment 5 to answer the same question about SSM and Washington.

[] This is a write-up for the ninth problem set.


October 30, 2011


This assignment has one problem (and one article review). It has you model coin flips and the examine the accuracy of the model.


November 6, 2011


This assignment reviews the past and provides a little practice on this week's topic.

[] This is the write-up for the eleventh problem set.


December 6, 2011


This assignment provides much practice on ordinal regression, and a little on nominal regression.

Note: You will need to use the gss2 data file, not the gssocc. A previous version of this assignment had the wrong data file named.

[] This is the write-up for the final problem set. Here is the R script for the final homework assignment.