Course Calendar (PLS 105: Introduction to World Politics)
January 26 – February 8
Introduction to World Politics
8:30 – 9:20 MWF in Administration 331
Calendar last updated on March 25
8:30 – 9:20 MWF in Administration 331
Calendar last updated on March 25
January 27 (Monday)
Nothing for today.
January 29 (Wednesday)
Nothing for today.
January 31 (Friday)
Nothing for today.
February 3 (Monday)
Nothing for today.
February 5 (Wednesday)
Nothing for today.
February 7 (Friday)
Nothing for today.
Major Assignments:
Quizzes and Exams:
Africa (Map Quiz)
Southern and Southeastern Asia (Map Quiz)
Latin America (Map Quiz)
Middle East (Map Quiz)
Eastern Europe (Map Quiz)
World (Map Quiz)
Final Examination (8:00–9:40)