The Course Documents
A syllabus is a document that lays out the expectations in the course. Not only does it provide the grading scheme, it provides suggestions for success. Because the syllabus has grown to be such a large document, I have moved to an online syllabus that takes advantage of what the web can do. You are responsible for all that is in it.
Course Documents
Winter 2024
Two Handouts
These handouts will be very helpful references. The first summarizes several R
functions that handle probability distributions. The second provides a similar summary of R
functionality in statistical analyses.
Some General Resources
These resources will help you master the material at a basic level. Once you have this mastery, you will be able to have a deeper understanding of the statistics you are performing. Your questions will change from “How do I calculate the test statistic?” to “What are the advantages to using Procedure X instead of Procedure Y?” Taking care of the base levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy allows you to climb to the levels that are fundamentally more interesting.
Calculation Practice
This web site will give you plenty of practice in performing the statistical calculations by hand. It also shows how to do the same thing in Excel and in R. Make good use of it. Those who have used it in the past have found the extra effort well worth it. Project Scarlet give that infinite practice that so many crave and thrive on. It’s there for you.
Identifying Distributions There are two webapps available here to help you.
- This web app gives you practice in identifying distributions and parameter values from a graphic of the distribution.
- This web app gives you practice in identifying distributions from a description of a random variable. This is an important skill to have, as it shows an understanding of the distributions covered in the course. It also helps when you are required to model a dependent variable and you want to do it right (instead of just coming close with OLS).
Procedure Selection
This web page gives you practice in identifying an appropriate procedure given the research hypothesis. It is extremely important for you to be able to do this. It shows an understanding of the many procedures covered in the course.
The Several Links
Here are some links to different parts of this website. These links are redundant, as there are links in the calendar, which is where you are supposed to start.