Introductory Statistics


IS: Laboratory Activities

Statistical Laboratory Activities

All of the sciences have laboratory activities. They are designed to give you deeper insights into that particular science. Statistics is no different. These labs help you to better understand statistics and the effects of randomness (and the Central Limit Theorem) on what we do.

Links to the Labs

The following provide direct links to the six labs.

SLA-A: Exploring Sampling Schemes

SLA-B: Discrete Distributions and Sampling

SLA-C: Continuous Distributions and the CLT

SLA-D: Evaluating Estimators

SLA-E: Confidence Intervals and Coverage

SLA-F: Hypothesis Testing and p-values

Paper Styling

For those who choose to submit the post-labs, here are some guidelines you need to follow. Since you will need to hand this assignment in to the professor at the start of the class, make sure you print this off well before class starts. This will help reduce the stress caused by poor planning.


Use letter-sized paper. The margins should be the default for your word processor (1 inch to 1.5 inches, usually).

Title Page

You need to include a title page. This separate page needs to include the your name, your Knox ID number, the assignment name, and the date the assignment is due. Center this horizontally and place about one-third of the way down the page.

Your Writing

Your writing should be size 12pt in Times or Times New Roman. Line spacing should be at least 1.25. Paragraphs need to be first-line indented by about 0.4 inches. Extra spacing between paragraphs is optional.

Your Code

Your code should be in a monospace font (e.g., Courier or Courier New) of size 10pt (or so). Code should be single-spaced. Make sure your code is properly commented and legible. Your code appendix needs to start on a new page.

This page was last modified on 2 January 2024.
All rights reserved by Ole J. Forsberg, PhD, ©2008–2024. No reproduction of any of this material is allowed without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.