Introductory Statistics


Statistical Computing Activities

Statistical Computing Activities

There is value in doing elementary statistical calculations by hand. It allows you to better see the inner workings of how statistics works and why certain formulas are used. The Hawkes Learning Assignments provide this to you, as does the Project Scarlet website.

Genuine applied statistics, however, is done on data sets so large that hand calculations are not reasonable. For such problems, a statistical program should be used. As none of us are born understanding how to use a statistical program, those skills must be taught. These Statistical Computing Activities (SCAs) help teach those skills.



Note that the numbering has been updated for many of the following SCAs. Thus, they may differ from what you would expect. Also, remember that I am updating these SCAs to make them more useful for mobile phone users. That takes a lot more time than I anticipated (hours for each).


Statistical Computing Activities

🔶 Section 0: An Introduction to the R Statistical Environment
0: [link] Getting Started with R

🔶 Section 2: Sample Statistics in R
2a: [link] Measures of Center
2b: [link] Measures of Position
2c: [link] Measures of Spread
2q: [link] SCA Learning Check

🔶 Section 3: Some Graphics in R
3a: [link] Basic Graphics
3b: [link] Intermediate Graphics

🔶 Section 5: Discrete Distributions in R
5a: [pdf] Some Discrete Distributions
5q: [pdf] Skill Check

🔶 Section 6: Continuous Distributions in R
6a: [pdf] Some Continuous Distributions
6q: [pdf] Skill Check

🔶 Section 7: Sampling Distributions in R
7a: [link] Distribution of the Sample Mean
7c: [link] Bootstrapping the Data

🔶 Section 8: Confidence Intervals in R
8a: [pdf] One-Population Confidence Intervals, I
8b: [pdf] One-Population Confidence Intervals, II

🔶 Section 9: Hypothesis Testing in R
9a: [pdf] Hypothesis Testing, I
9b: [pdf] Hypothesis Testing, II


Additional SCAs

The above SCA are well written extended series of examples. They walk you through the R code so that you learn how to use R to do statistics. The following are simply scripts with comments. Their purpose is also to help you use R to perform statistical analyses. Each statistical procedure we cover in class can be found in its associated SCA below.

11: [R] One-Population Means Procedures
12: [R] One-Population Proportions Procedures
13: [R] One-Population Variance Procedures
21: [R] Two-Population Means Procedures
22: [R] Two-Population Proportions Procedures
23: [R] Two-Population Variance Procedures
31a: [R] Means: multiple populations (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis), I
31b: [R] Means: multiple populations (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis), II
32: [R] Goodness of Fit: Chi-Square Test
41: [R] Relationship: Categorical vs. Categorical
42a: [R] Relationship: Numeric vs. Numeric, I
42b: [R] Relationship: Numeric vs. Numeric, II
52: [R] General: Categorical Dependent Variable
This page was last modified on 2 January 2024.
All rights reserved by Ole J. Forsberg, PhD, ©2008–2024. No reproduction of any of this material is allowed without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.