International Law

Course Calendar (PS 376: International Law)

September 1 – December 9
International Law
1:40 – 2:55 TR in Knott Hall, Room 004
Calendar last updated on November 15, 2009
September 1 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Introduction to the course
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Neverland
September 3 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Cases, Rules, and Analogies
* Read for today: Burton: Chapters 1 and 2; Syllabus; Stylesheet
September 8 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Analogies, Deductions, and Reasoning
* Read for today: Burton: Chapters 3, 4, and 5
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Briefing a Case
September 10 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Judging Cases
* Read for today: Burton: Chapters 6 and 7
September 15 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Legitimacy
* Read for today: Burton: Chapters 8 and 10
September 17 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Sources of International Law
* Major assignment due today:
First Case Brief due
September 22 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Domestic, International, and Intermestic Law
* Discussion Topic: What is International Law?
* Discussion Topic: Is International Law really law? If not, then what is it?
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 1
September 24 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: What is the State, and what does it matter?
* Discussion Topic: Changes in the State and their effects
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 2.1-2.3
September 29 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Sovereign Immunity
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 2.4-2.6
October 1 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Organizations in International Law
* Discussion Topic: IGO vs. NGO in International Law
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 3.1, 3.2, 3.6
October 6 (Tuesday)
* Quiz: First Major Quiz
* Discussion Topic: The Holy See, The Knights of Malta, and Palestine: The Importance of Being a State
October 8 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Discuss Problem 3.E in class
* Read for today: Th infamous Problem 3.E (page 182)
* Major assignment due today:
Second Case Brief due
October 13 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Legal Personality of Individuals and Corporations in PIL
* Discussion Topic: What do we do with those without a state?
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 4
October 15 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: The Belgium War Crimes Law
* Discussion Topic: International Minimum Standards
October 20 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 5.1 and 5.2
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Fang
October 22 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Extradition and Rendition
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 5.3 and 5.4
* Read for today: State v. Ebrahim 31 ILM 888 (1992) [Slomanson 255]
October 27 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Discussions of Chapter 5 Assignment
* Discussion Topic: Kidnapping and Dog
* Major assignment due today:
Third Case Brief due
October 29 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Categories of Territory
* Discussion Topic: Dominion over Terra Firma
* Discussion Topic: Moon for Sale
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 6
November 3 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Cape Verde
November 5 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: The Diplomatic System
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 7
* Major assignment due today:
Fourth Case Brief due
November 10 (Tuesday)
* Quiz: Second Major Quiz
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: ICU
November 12 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: Treaties
* Discussion Topic: Executive Orders
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 8
November 17 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Question: What are our duties under Kyoto?
* Read for today: The Kyoto Protocol
November 19 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: The ICJ
* Discussion Topic: The ICC
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 9.4 – 9.6
* Read for today: The Rome Statute readings
* Major assignment due today:
Fifth Case Brief due
November 24 (Tuesday)
* Note: No Classes Today
November 26 (Thursday)
* Note: No Classes Today
December 1 (Tuesday)
* Major assignment due today:
Final Examination activity
* Discussion Topic: Principles on the use of Force
* Discussion Topic: Peacekeeping and Interventions
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 10.1 through 10.4
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Smirnov
December 3 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: The Laws of War: Why have them?
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 10.4 through 10.7
December 8 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: The FTFWC
Final Examination
* December 17 (Thursday)
The final examination runs from 1:00pm until 4:00pm.