Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

STAT4073 :: Assignments

Below are links to assignments and solutions for the course. Be aware that these assignments reflect (as best they can) the objectives for the course.


No. Due Date Description
1 September 3, 2010 [1] This assignment introduces you to modes of science and descriptive statistics. The dataset associated with this assignment can be found here: positioningtubes.csv.
2 September 10, 2010 [2] This assignment gives you much practice on the second chapter, including the important aspects of counting (Fundamental Principal of Counting) and on calculating probabilities. The computer exercise as an exercise in flipping a coin 1000 times to produce some real data to analyze.
3 September 17, 2010 [3] This assignment gives you much practice on the third chapter, including the important aspects of propagation of error. The extension exercise is practice in determining the optimal weight for three polls.
Here is the solution to the extension exercise.
4 Practice [4] This serves as practice for the first examination.
• The solutions are posted.
5 Practice [5] This serves as more practice for the first examination.
• The solutions are posted.
6 October 8, 2010 No homework for this week.
7 October 18, 2010 [7] This is the next assignment. It gives you practice over Chapters 4 and 5. Make sure you read each question carefully and answer just as carefully. After you complete the homework, go back over it to make sure you answered the questions asked. Problem 6.5 requires the crime.csv dataset. Make sure you right-click on the dataset link, then “Save Link As...” crime.csv. You will have to change the default “Save As Type” to “All Files”. Otherwise, it will not work correctly. The two variables of interest are ‘vcrime90’ and ‘ census4’.
• The solutions are posted.
8 October 22, 2010 [8] This assignment gives practice on confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. It also attempts to resurrect some things we did in the first couple weeks of class.
• The solutions are posted.
9 October 29, 2010 [9] This homework assignment deals with problems from all previous chapters. Please make sure you read the questions thoroughly and think about them before you begin your answer. There are five problems, each worth two points. Make sure you show all your work and state your assumptions clearly.
• The solutions are posted.
10 November 5, 2010 [10] This is the last homework before the second examination. It is not the usual homework, but I hope it gives you some experience in detecting the errors in your own homework.
• The solutions are posted.
11 Practice [11] This is the practice test for the second examination.
• The solutions are posted.
12 Practice [12] This assignmnet gives practice on some things we have already done. It requires the crime dataset (crime.csv).
• The solutions are posted, as is the R script.
13 November 29, 2010 [13] This is due the Monday after Thanksgiving. It deals with many of the things we have discussed in class over the past month or so. It requires the sri2010 dataset (sri2010.csv). Please read the directions carefully.
• The solutions are posted, as is the R script.
14 December 3, 2010 [14] This is the last homework assignment of the semester. It covers Chapters 8 and 9, which means you will have to read the book. It requires the crime dataset (crime.csv).
• The solutions are posted, as is the R script.
15 Practice [15] This offers practice for the final examination.
• The solutions are posted.