International Law

Course Calendar (PS 376: International Law)

December 1 – December 31
International Law
1:40 – 2:55 TR in Knott Hall, Room 004
Calendar last updated on November 15, 2009
December 1 (Tuesday)
* Major assignment due today:
Final Examination activity
* Discussion Topic: Principles on the use of Force
* Discussion Topic: Peacekeeping and Interventions
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 10.1 through 10.4
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: Smirnov
December 3 (Thursday)
* Discussion Topic: The Laws of War: Why have them?
* Read for today: Slomanson: Chapter 10.4 through 10.7
December 8 (Tuesday)
* Discussion Topic: Practicum: The FTFWC
December 10 (Thursday)
* Nothing for today.
December 15 (Tuesday)
* Nothing for today.
December 17 (Thursday)
* Nothing for today.
December 22 (Tuesday)
* Nothing for today.
December 24 (Thursday)
* Nothing for today.
December 29 (Tuesday)
* Nothing for today.
December 31 (Thursday)
* Nothing for today.
Final Examination
* December 17 (Thursday)
The final examination runs from 1:00pm until 4:00pm.