Issues and Challenges in American Foreign Policy

Course Calendar

August 20 – December 14
American Foreign Policy: Processes and Outcomes
10:30 – 11:20 MWF in Old Gym 312
Calendar last updated on November 19
August 20 (Monday)
* Nothing for today.
August 22 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Introduction to Class
* Read for today: Focus on the news
* Note: Classes begin
August 24 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Theory in IR: Realisms
* Read for today: Focus on the news
August 27 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Theory in IR: Liberalisms
* Read for today: Focus on the news
August 29 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Theory in IR: Idea-isms
* Read for today: Focus on the news
August 31 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Chittick's Framework for Analysis
* Read for today: Chapter 1 (Chittick)
September 3 (Monday)
* Note: Labor Day
* Holiday: Labor Day
* Holiday: Labor Day: No Classes
September 5 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: America's Approach to Foreign Policy
* Read for today: Chapter 1 (Hook)
September 7 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Early History of American Foreign Policy
* Read for today: Chapter 2 (Chittick)
September 10 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Isolation to Hegemony
* Read for today: Chapter 3 (Chittick)
* Major assignment due today:
Foreign Policy Happenings brief I
September 12 (Wednesday)
* Note: No Class: Mass
* Note: Mass of the Holy Spirit
September 14 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: From Hot War to Cold War
* Read for today: Chapter 2 (Hook)
* Read for today: Pages 116 – 133 (Chittick)
September 17 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: The Hopes and Failures of Containment
* Read for today: Chapter 3 (Hook)
* Read for today: Pages 133 – 143 (Chittick)
September 19 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: The Era of Superpower Dètente
* Read for today: Chapter 6 (Hook)
* Read for today: Pages 143 – 153 (Chittick)
September 21 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: The Reagan Era
* Read for today: Chapter 7 (Hook)
* Discussion Topic: And They All Came Tumbling Down
* Read for today: Chapter 8 (Hook)
* Read for today: Pages 153 – 160 (Chittick)
September 24 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: After the Fall
* Read for today: Chapter 9 (Hook)
September 26 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: All Alone
* Read for today: Chapter 10 (Hook)
* Major assignment due today:
Foreign Policy Happenings brief II
September 28 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Internal and External Actors
* Read for today: Chapter 8 (Chittick)
October 1 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: The Institutional Model
* Read for today: Chapter 9 (Chittick)
October 3 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: The Organizational Behavior Model
* Read for today: Chapter 10 (Chittick)
October 5 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: The Governmental Politics Model
* Read for today: Chapter 11 (Chittick)
* Major assignment due today:
Foreign Policy Happenings brief III
October 8 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: The Majoritarian Model
* Read for today: Chapter 12 (Chittick)
* Holiday: Columbus Day
* Holiday: Lailat Ul Qadr
October 10 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: The Pluralist Model
* Read for today: Chapter 13 (Chittick)
October 12 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: The Elitist Model
* Read for today: Chapter 14 (Chittick)
* Major assignment due today:
Policy Memorandum
October 15 (Monday)
* Note: Fall Break
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
* Note: Mid-Semester's grade reports due
October 17 (Wednesday)
* Note: Fall Break
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
October 19 (Friday)
* Note: Fall Break
* Holiday: Fall Break: No Classes
October 22 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Other Analyses
* Read for today: Hermann, Margaret G., and Charles F. Hermann. 1989. "Who Makes Foreign Policy Decisions and How: An Empirical Inquiry." International Studies Quarterly, 33(December): 361–387.
* Read for today: Allison, Graham T. 1969. "Conceptual Models of the Cuban Missile Crisis." American Political Science Review. 63(September): 689–718.
October 24 (Wednesday)
* Nothing for today.
October 26 (Friday)
* Examination: First Examination
* Note: Last day to withdraw with a 'W'
October 29 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: The World Community
* Read for today: Chapter 5 (Chittick)
October 31 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Security Policy
* Read for today: Chapter 6 (Chittick)
* Holiday: Samhain
November 2 (Friday)
* Note: No Class: Conference
* Holiday: All Souls Day
November 5 (Monday)
* Note: No Class: Conference
* Major assignment due today:
Foreign Policy Happenings brief IIII
November 7 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Economic Policy
* Read for today: Chapter 7 (Chittick)
November 9 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Economic Policy
* Read for today: Chapter 7 (Chittick)
November 12 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Free Trade and Its Effects
* Read for today: Nollen, Stanley D., and Dennis P. Quinn. 1994. "Free Trade, Fair Trade, Strategic Trade, and Protectionism in the U.S. Congress, 1987-88." International Organization. 48(Summer): 491 – 525.
* Read for today: 2003. "U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement." American Journal of International Law. 97(July): 699 – 700.
November 14 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: International Law and Foreign Policy
* Major assignment due today:
Foreign Policy Happenings brief V
November 16 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis
* Read for today: Shupe, Michael C., William M. Wright, Keith W. Hipel, and Niall M. Fraser. 1980. "Nationalization of the Suez Canal: A Hypergame Analysis." Journal of Conflict Resolution. 24(September): 477 – 493.
November 19 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs
* Read for today: Gleijeses, Piero. 1995. "Ships in the Night: The CIA, the White House and the Bay of Pigs." Journal of Latin American Studies. 27(February): 1 – 42.
* Major assignment due today:
Policy Memorandum
November 21 (Wednesday)
* Note: Thanksgiving
* Holiday: Thanksgiving Recess: No Classes
November 23 (Friday)
* Note: Thanksgiving
* Holiday: Thanksgiving Recess: No Classes
November 26 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Vietnam and Kennedy
* Read for today: Khong, Yuen Foong. 1987. "Seduction by Analogy in Vietnam: The Malaya and Korea Analogies." In Institutions and Leadership: Prospects for the Future, eds. Kenneth Thompson. (Catalogue number; E876 .I57 1987)
November 28 (Wednesday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Carter and the Olympics
* Read for today: Bloomfield, Lincoln P. 1982. "From Ideology to Program to Policy: Tracking the Carter Human Rights Policy." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 2(Autumn): 1 – 12.
November 30 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Reagan and Libya
* Read for today: Austin, Granville. 1986. "The Libya Raid and the Arab-Israel Dispute." Journal of Palestine Studies. 15(Summer): 99 – 111.
* Read for today: Stork, Joe. 1986. "Mad Dogs and Presidents." MERIP Middle East Report. 140(May): 6 – 10.
December 3 (Monday)
* Discussion Topic: Case Study: Clinton and Haiti
* Read for today: Foreign Policy Editors. 1996. "Was Intervening in Haiti a Mistake?" Foreign Policy. 102(Spring): 134.
* Read for today: Rotberg, Robert I. 1996. "Clinton Was Right." Foreign Policy. 102(Spring): 135 – 141.
* Read for today: Sweeney, John. 1996. "Stuck in Haiti." Foreign Policy. 102(Spring): 142 – 151.
December 5 (Wednesday)
* Major assignment due today:
FPH briefs Analysis
December 7 (Friday)
* Discussion Topic: Back to the Future
* Read for today: Chapter 13 (Hook)
* Read for today: Chapter 15 (Chittick)
December 10 (Monday)
* Note: Semester Exams begin
December 12 (Wednesday)
* Nothing for today.