Linear Models


[The Course Documents]
Important Course Documents


Course Syllabus

The Syllabus

A syllabus is a document that lays out the expectations in the course. Not only does it provide the grading scheme, it provides suggestions for success. Because the syllabus has grown to be such a large document, I have moved to an online syllabus that takes advantage of what the web can do. You are responsible for all that is in it.

Course Calendar


This is the proposed calendar for the course. In addition to listing the dates, it provides the discussion topic and a brief overview of what I want to accomplish that day.

As with all courses, this calendar is merely the plan. There is no guarantee that it will be followed perfectly. Updates to the calendar will be announced in class. The current calendar was last updated on February 22, 2024.

Homework Assignments


Here is a link to the homework assignments for this course. Note that the main purpose of these assignments is to give you practice in the material covered in class.

As such, I encourage you to take that next step and do problems above and beyond those assigned. If you truly care about understanding this material, that will be the way to learn it. Be aware of what you want to accomplish in this course… in college.

Course Project


A purpose of the course project is to help y’all bring together many of the topics covered in this course in a meaningful manner. Another purpose of this course project is to give you something to include in your hiring portfolio. To get hired, you will need to demonstrate your skills. This project provides you an opportunity to show your future employer your skills in statistical analysis.

This page was last modified on 16 November 2023.
All rights reserved by Ole J. Forsberg, PhDd, ©2008–2023. No reproduction of any of this material is allowed without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.