Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

United Kingdom
Embassies Closings Likely Associated With Strained Relations
The United Kingdom recently imposed sanctions on the Iranian Embassy located in London, ordering the facility to close within 48 hours. This follows recent attacks on, along with the forced closing of the United Kingdom Embassy in Tehran, Iran. Foreign Secretary William Hague declared that this was not the first event to begin the strife between the two States.
Relations between the two States are likely to be strained due to the forced closure of each embassy. Relations were not among the best before the closings. The United Kingdom, along with the United States and Canada, recently placed sanctions on Iran in hope of restricting nuclear power possibilities. This distrust of intentions and closure of the two embassies, combined with the severing of economic times will greatly harm, if not destroy, relations between the United Kingdom and Iran.
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November 30, 2011 at 10:59 pm