Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Nicaragua is Back to Authoritarianism?
Daniel Ortega, former president of Nicaragua, was reelected once again after being president in 1990 and in 2006. Ortega remained influential in politics and ran for presidency several times. After serving two terms, Ortega was forbidden to run for presidency in the 2011 elections, but since he remained influential, he was able to easily control Supreme Court. This is unconstitutional, yet Ortega has the support from Hugo Chavez and a few other nations who are providing him large amounts of money.
Ortega is known to be a “corrupt and authoritarian ruler who has turned his back on his revolutionary ideals and come to resemble the dictator he opposed.” Since there is a high poverty rate in Nicaragua, he is able to manipulate the poor very easily by making promises. After seeing the way he can manipulate the government and the people, Daniel Ortega, could be thinking about staying a leader for a long period of time.
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November 11, 2011 at 08:11 am