Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Death of Al Qathafi means change in Libya
On Thursday October 20, Reports broke out the Al Qathafi, former dictator of Libya, was killed in an attack led by NTC fighters and former rebels from Misurata. Qathafi was approached by the rebel group in his hometown of Sirte and allegedly ran away in a convoy of 35 cars including 5 armored cars. This retreat however was stopped by NATO aircraft as the convoy attempted to retreat to the east. This allowed the rebels to move in where Al Qathafi was struck to the head and the chest which lead to his death.
Eight months of fighting in what can be seen as a civil war between the dictator Qathafi and rebel groups wanting to transform Libya into a Democratic state, has finally come to an end in Qathafi’s death. The dictators death will allow Libya to change there countries identity into what many hope to be a democratic state and remove the oppression that the dictator regime had put on so many. The Libyan elite now has the power to remold the Libyan state into what they want it to. Some fear however that the removal of Qathafi will just result in another dictator rising into power do to the countries crippled governmental system and struggling economy.
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October 20, 2011 at 4:14 pm