Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Mending Relations
Vladimir Putin of Russia traveled to China to ensure the passing of a gas bill between the two countries. The main topic on the table was energy but an underlying topic was to try and mend the foreign relation held by the two countries. China and Russia are cooperating on expansions in nuclear energy and the exploration of other means of fuel. Both countries share a common interest in helping each other and want to extend their relations in the future.
With China and Russia on the same continent it is sometimes difficult energy wise for both countries. In recent years China has become more powerful economically and has threated Russia’s dominance in the east. Russian and Chines relations have declined the past years due to the power struggle over energy. The decrease in arms sale Russia gives to China is a main sign of the distrust held by the two nations. Russia and China are two of the world’s major powers and have to find a way to stay competitive in a world of limited resources which means diplomacy and trust might be on the back burner of foreign relation policies of both China and Russia.
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October 11, 2011 at 11:05 pm