Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

U.S Foils Iranian Terror Plot
Two men, one who is an American citizen, have been exposed and charged with conspiracy to commit terror against the United States. Manssor Arbabsiar confessed to U.S authorities after being arrested in JFK International Airport on September 29th. The foiled terror plan was an attempt to assassinate Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States. The plot included explosives in the attempt to murder Adel al-Jubeir on U.S soil. The United States caught on when Manssor contacted a U.S DEA agent stationed in Mexico, posing as a drug cartel member. Iran has called the assassination attempt a “fabrication” by the United States.
The attempt to assassinate Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador to the United States is an issue of conflict and power. Saudi Arabia is a key ally to the United States in the Middle East. All three states, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States are all competing for influence in the Middle East, especially after protests that have occurred during the Arab Spring. The rest of the world will wait on how the United States reacts to an attempt to inflict terror on American soil. It only adds to the already extreme tension between Iran and America. Some people believe that the United States could retaliate in a number of different ways; military action being one of the speculations.
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October 11, 2011 at 7:45 pm