Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Interference or Protection?
Prime Minister Gilani spoke against the interference of the United States within Pakistan, a statement he has conveyed to the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The United States is wishing to search for traces of the Haqqani network. He warns that relations between the United States and Pakistan may be strained if the United States were to set its military into operation within the borders of Pakistan. He claims the United States is already losing the trust of the people of his country. He does not find it fit for the United States to raid a sovereign country.
The relationship between the two countries is strained because the United States is accusing Pakistan of harboring the Haqqani network and has laying work to begin taking the matters of a sovereign nation into its own hands against the will of the Pakistani government. The United States is impeding upon the government instead of working with or outside of the government of Pakistan. If it is true that the Pakistani government is willingly harboring the Haqqani network, relations between the two countries may be strained even more. If the two countries agree on the issue that the Haqqani network is not welcome in Pakistan and needs to be rid of, then both countries need to work together in order to refrain from allowing any more trust to be lost between them.
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September 29, 2011 at 3:46 pm