Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Sirte Airport Back in the Hands of Libyan Forces
The National Transitional Council (NTC) took back the airport, after pro- Qaddafi defenders had taken control two weeks ago. Sirte is the birthplace of Qaddafi. Intense fighting broke out between the NTC and Qaddafi’s defenders. After three deaths and citizens being endangered by the artillery firing, the National Transitional Council has control over the Airport and airbase. Libyan officials have asked the United Nations for aid for the citizens of Sirte who have been injured by NATO attack and the Airport rage.
Although the brawl between the Quaddfi defenders and the National Transitional Council seemed to be a struggle for power, the issue and motive behind is an Identity issue. The struggle between two parties is because their ideas and view are conflicting. Although they make come from the same cultural background, their political views are so different they cannot negotiate without a battle breaking out between the two. Qaddafi’s group was trying to gain power, so their ideas would reign throughout the region.
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September 29, 2011 at 13:34 pm