Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

United Kingdom
Vietnamese child Trafficking in UK
In the United Kingdom Vietnamese children are being trafficked as forced laborers or prostitutes. It is difficult to track and combat. The trafficking of the children is not being addressed by Parliament.
Because of the abject poverty in Vietnam, many of these children must travel in order to pay off debts owed by their family. Once they get to the United Kingdom, they may have little or no contact and not speaking the language in a foreign country can be overwhelming especially for such young children. Children are frequently admitted to group homes but often disappear afterward. Paralyzed by fear of those who are searching for them, the children are often unable or unwilling to speak to the authorities because of their cultural differences as well as the fear of what may happen to them or their families. Many children do not even know how to get help or that it is available because they are not familiar with the United Kingdom. Parliament and the European Union are not as concerned as they should be because these children are not United Kingdom or EU citizens; in addition the cultural divide and difficulty in acquiring accurate data inhibits real debate on the subject. In the mean time, South Asian and African children are abused and killed.
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September 23, 2011 at 01:27 am