Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Palestinian Territory
Deterring Palestine’s Request for Statehood Recognition
Palestine wants to become recognized as its own state by the United Nations General Assembly, but many diplomatic efforts are being made in order to keep them from going to the UN. Israel is against the Palestinians rushing to the UN with the proposal request and instead would like peace talks and negotiations. The Czech Republic agrees with Israel since they are supportive together in international relations and share a common background of religion and culture. Many other nations also have not the backgrounds in common, but have in common the same goal of keeping Palestine from hastily going to request recognition from the UN General Assembly. Israel, the Czech Republic, the United States, and Tony Blair would rather see Palestine negotiate through peace talks and direct cooperation between Palestine and Israel than to see Palestine’s statehood recognition bid passed.
As Netanyahu discusses in the video, the United Nations does not usually act fair when hearing out Israel meaning Palestine would have more of a chance to get their autonomous territories recognized. If Israel and Palestine were to directly speak about the autonomous land then more would be accomplished. The Czech Republic stands behind Israel the entire way because of the similar identities of the nations. The Czech Republic related Palestine’s intentions for the state to diktat and said they knew from experience it does not work. Israel and other nations in the UN General Assembly have been postponing Palestine’s unilateral decision because otherwise the result will be potentially worse instead of better. Palestine and Israel are currently in a stalemate of what to do, but if Palestine were to join the UN, the stalemate would continue. It will be interesting to see if Palestine accepts the direct negotiations with Israel. The result of successful discussions would mean progress between the two, however if Palestine submits the recognition request and it is passed then nations of the UN will become divided as to the vote. The nations would align based on identity just as they are now.
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September 16, 2011 at 04:35 am