Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Nations Sign Cluster Bomb Ban
Dozens of nations have signed a treaty banning cluster bombs at a conference in Oslo, Norway. While the treaty has been hailed as a major breakthrough, the United States, China, and Russia have failed to sign the treaty, despite its plan to ban the abandoning of weapons blamed for maiming and killing innocent civilians. Cluster bomblets are packed by the hundreds into artillery shells, bombs or missiles that are then scattered over vast areas. Some fail to explode immediately, where the unexploded bomblets then lie dormant for years until they are disturbed, often by children attracted by their small size and bright colors. The United States, Russia, and other non-signers believe that cluster bombs have legitimate military uses such as repelling advancing troop columns. However, the treaty will not ban cluster bombs outright, but allows for the development of cluster bombs with greater precision and lower failure rates.
Although the United States, Russia, and China have yet to sign the treaty banning cluster bombs, the other states that have willingly signed the treaty have not only demonstrated their cooperation with one another, but have also indicated their pursuit of a collective good. The states that have signed the treaty are interested in protecting human security by banning cluster bombs that have injured and killed innocent human beings. Although many of these nations do not share a common identity, they have joined together in an effort to broaden and deepen their international relations with one another by improving the security of human beings within states. Moreover, through their cooperation with one another regarding this treaty banning cluster bombs, it is possible that these states will develop habits of cooperation with one another in the future. Therefore, these states will interact with one another more frequently and increase their opportunity for reciprocity.
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December 4, 2008 at 7:45 pm