Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Protests on Iraq Security Agreement
10,000 people on Friday protested the Iraqi government’s plan to sign a security agreement with the United States maintaining U.S. troops for up to three years. Hezbollah, a group in Lebanon, has urged the Iraq government to reject the proposal. Under the security agreement, U.S. forces would have to leave the country altogether by 2011.
Some Iraqi people believe that signing a security agreement with the U.S. would prevent Iraq from becoming its own state separate from the United States. The people of Iraq are divided on whether or not they want Americans to stay in their country, but most would like to rebuild their country and start creating a stable state on their own. Hezbollah’s reaction to the security agreement and also Anti-American protesters largely being the presence against the agreement are protesting because they believe that a prolonged American force within Iraq would stifle Iraq’s sense of identity and their ability to interact with other Muslim states. The United States’s role and presence within Iraq would detrimentally affect the policies of the Iraqi government, the protesters believe, and a strong American presence would place too much pressure on the government to conform to American ideals instead of the ideals of the people of Iraq.
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November 21, 2008 at 11:17 am