Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Syria Urged to Build Peace in Middle East
David Miliband, the British foreign minister, and Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, held talks in Syria’s capital of Damascus regarding Syria’s influence in promoting peace in the Middle East. “It is very important to understand that Syria has a big potential role to play in stability in the Middle East,” Miliband said. Miliband has argued that Syria can be a force for stability or a force for instability in respect to the Middle East peace process. While Syria has been shunned by the United States due to its ties with Iran, European nations are initiating steps to bring Syria back into the international scene. Britain has also supported ongoing rounds of indirect peace talks between Syria and Israel, which have been brokered by Turkey.
By encouraging a positive Syrian role in bringing peace to the Middle East, the British foreign minister is also establishing a cooperative relationship with Syria. Moreover, Miliband’s visit to Damascus further strengthens the relations between Britain and Syria, which deteriorated in the wake of the February 2005 killing of Rafiq al-Hariri, a former Lebanese prime minister. Both Britain and Syria have focused on developing a mutual understanding regarding Syria’s role in the Middle East peace process. By establishing diplomatic relations, both states are developing habits of cooperation, which may help to facilitate relations in the future. The discussion between the two states demonstrates the importance of interaction and communication. Moreover, it has helped to lay down a foundation for strong ties between the two countries.
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November 20, 2008 at 10:36 am