Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Iranian Diplomat Kidnapped
Iranian diplomat, Hashmatullah Atharzadeh, was kidnapped Thursday morning when he was driving to the consulate in Peshawar. He was taken away by gunmen after his police guard was shot and killed. This has occurred two months after the Afghan ambassador was kidnapped by presumably the same gunmen. The police force in Peshawar suspects that the gunmen are members of Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan, an outlawed militant group.
Even though the kidnapping of the Iranian diplomat was presumably performed by a militant group in Pakistan, Iran still feels bitterness towards the state of Pakistan. Iran refers to this incident as a “terrorist attack.” Hassan Ghashgavi, a spokesman of the Iranian foreign ministry, strongly condemns this “attack” and hopes that Pakistani authorities will do everything in their power to find the Iranian diplomat. Pakistan must show their sincere effort to recover Atharzadeh or it may cause more tension between Pakistan and Iran.
The security of people in Pakistan has been compromised by these kidnappings. At this point, Pakistani police forces are unable to bring Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan to justice, assuming that they are behind these kidnappings. Iran is very concerned about Atharzadeh and possible future kidnappings.
One thing to think about is “Who is supplying this militant group with weapons?” If some state is supplying Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan, then they will have to answer to the many states affected by this militant group. These kidnappings could lead to conflict between states.
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November 14, 2008 at 10:41 am