Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Temple to Be Source of Mediation
Thailand and Cambodia have concluded three days of negotiations. The talks have come amid a border dispute that had caused arms build up and violence along the shared border. The states’ leaders discussed one of the most controversial issues, the Preah Vihear, with great ease. Both states came acclaiming positive results and future peace.
Thailand and Cambodia have increased their negotiations in order to foster peace along their shared border. By increasing the amount of communication between the states, they hope to settle the violent behavior on the border. Each country would greatly benefit from a peaceful border for it will bring stability, order, and end the loss of life.
The communication between the two states has decreased since the Preah Vihear temple was confirmed a Cambodian landmark in 1962. It was the cause of great political turmoil in Thailand. By meeting with one another, each country has openly expressed their concerns for the Temple. This has eased the rage of many people, who were angered by the military build up around the temple. Each state is looking to establish a healthy relationship with the other, so they can compromise on each state’s territory.
Each state is working on the basis of reciprocity. The foreign ministers are treating the other state’s officials how they would like to be treated. This theory will help to foster a beneficial relationship between the countries, and, hopefully, a peaceful outcome.
The two countries have pledged to tolerantly work with each other until a final, peaceful resolution is instituted.
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November 14, 2008 at 01:41 am