Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Korea (North)
Tensions Increases between North Korea and South Korea
On November 13th the North Korean Military has threaten to partially restrict the overland passages through the Southern/Northern Korean boarders. This is due to the propaganda leaflets being flown via helium balloons, over the boarder from Southern civic groups. With tensions already high between the two nations, this would be a huge set back for the two countries.
This situation clearly deals with two separate nations with two separate ideals. The South is trying to counter the North’s government and allow its people to be shown the truth of not only their leader’s controversial health status, but open their eyes to the freedom the rest of the world experiences. These South Korean civilians feel that it is necessary to put an end to the North’s self-imposed information embargo, and obviously the North does not feel this would beneficial to their country or find it to be an acceptable action. This is viewed to be extremely dangerous in the eyes of the North being that it could be detrimental to their regime, especially if their own people believe that their leader is in a weak state. Critics of this situation also feel that the people of the South are taking advantage of the freedoms they have that other nations, such as North Korea to do not have. This situation exemplifies the interactions of one nation trying to force their beliefs and ideals onto another that may or may not be ready to accept them.
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November 13, 2008 at 9:05 pm