Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Mediator Found in Turkey
Even before his Inauguration as President, there are high hopes for Barack Obama and his approach on the situation in the Middle East.
On November 9, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan volunteered to help mediate talks between the United States and Iran. During his campaign, Obama claimed that he would be willing to talk to Iran diplomatically; George W. Bush was not willing to hold these talks during his time as President.
Turkey has taken a position between the United States and Iran in regards to bans on Iran’s nuclear development. Turkey claims to support the US position, but also states that this ban undermines peaceful efforts of the Middle Eastern ‘reformists.’ Turkey also has a vested interest in this issue, according to the International Herald Tribune. “Turkey fears an economically and politically isolated Iran, which supplies it with its principal alternative to Russian energy. It also wants to avoid another military conflict on its borders, which also include ones with Iraq and Georgia."
This event is massively important and will be worthy of attention in the months and years to come. While there are some issues pertaining to the Identity Perspective present in this event --- especially Turkey’s continued assertion to support the West and the West’s position --- this event is largely liberal. Not only did Obama speak of making efforts to communicate and possibly be willing to negotiate with Iran, but Turkey is willing to get in the middle in an effort to bolster peace within the Middle East. The interdependence that could result if Turkey does indeed mediate talks would be tremendous and would set precedents for similar talks worldwide. Moreover, Turkey is a member of NATO and this international organization could feasibly be brought in to help as well.
While it is true that Turkey may have some ulterior motives in volunteering for the mediator position between the United States and Iran, its motives are liberal at heart. There is no conquest of power, or intentions of pursuing self-help present. Turkey’s motives are liberal and preventative in that it wants to prevent future conflicts in this region, especially on its borders. Regardless of the motives, Obama has taken a big step in even mentioning talking to Iran and hopefully, Turkey’s assistance will be used and will prove to be helpful.
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November 12, 2008 at 2:26 pm