Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
UN Failing in the Congo
Following the failure of a January peace deal in August, conflict erupted again this week in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Tutsi rebels are driving the conflict against the Congolese military troops in the Goma region of the state. Faced with the strong rebel insurgence, the Congolese army is pulling back and civilians are fleeing the region. MONUC, a force of UN peacekeepers, has 17,000 troops present to support the Congolese troops in defending the region. But there are not enough forces to effectively keep the peace. In fact, Congolese civilians have mobbed UN troops in frustration and anger. Despite, the UN Security Council demand for an immediate cease-fire, the fighting continues. Fighting near the Rwandan border is heightening tensions between the state neighbors.
Conflict continues in the DRC as attempts at mediation, as well as efforts by the UN, have failed. The collapse of the January peace deal illustrates the weaknesses in the agreement, suggesting that communication and interdependence have not been sufficiently practiced. Although making a claim to help defend the Congolese government and civilians against the rebel forces, the UN MONUC forces are not a powerful, effective influence in the conflict. In fact, amid the chaos in fleeing the conflict, Congolese government soldiers attacked their supportive, peacekeeping, MONUC base.
It is clear the UN is present in the issue. But UN involvement has not done enough to influence the conflict in any way. The institution’s presence must be stronger. If international involvement is most helpful, the DRC government must embrace it and really use it to make change. Rwanda remains simply a frustrated neighbor after fighting penetrated the border. But to avoid further escalation of conflict at the border, the states must increase their communication and if necessary, the UN must step in to help mediate peace.
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October 31, 2008 at 08:53 am