Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Czech Republic
Czech parliament opens debate over American radar
The Czech parliament is divided over approval of an agreement allowing installation of an American radar on Czech territory. The supposed purpose of the radar is to defend the US and its allies against Iran and other possibly threatening states. The Czech left argues, however, that the radar is merely a tool of the Bush administration, with which the Czech Republic should not cooperate. Debate over the radar will continue within parliament until after the American presidential election, whose result will greatly influence the Czech decision on how closely to cooperate with American defense strategies.
The Czech Republic is situated between several potentially hostile states. As US relations with Iran and Russian become strained, the Czech state must decide upon the most advantageous defense strategy in case of becoming caught in the cross-fire. If the Czech Republic chooses to allow the American radar to be installed on Czech territory, the state will be allying with the US. This could be a good defense strategy because aligning itself with the leading global power would ensure that the Czech state would have protection in case of a conflict. The radar itself will help to defend Czech territory.
Leftists, however, argue that allowing the American placement of a radar on Czech soil would be detrimental to the Czech Republic’s security interests. If the radar is installed, then the Czech Republic will essentially be making a statement about its allegiance to the United States in case of a conflict. Choosing to ally with the US could alienate other states, such as Russia, who would take offense at this hostile move on the part of the Czech Republic. From this rationale, the Czech state should remain neutral by banning the US from installing the radar.
The Czech state faces a choice: whether or not to align itself with the US and possibly alienate other states in the process. This move could ensure Czech defense, but it would also increase hostility with other nations by compromising the neutrality of the Czech Republic. As a rational actor in a state of anarchy, the Czech state will act in its own interests for individual self-preservation. The decision that now faces parliament is what course of action will best protect the state.
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October 30, 2008 at 12:27 pm