Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

Tensions between Brazil, Paraguay
The Brazilian army began exercises on the border of Paraguay and Brazil this week. This increased tensions between the two countries as Brazil already controls farm land within the country of Paraguay. Relations between peasants in Paraguay and Brazilian farmers has been violent as Paraguayans believe that Brazilians are occupying the land illegally.
The army drills that have occurred recently in the border region between Paraguay and Brazil is a sign of Brazil’s assumed control over the region and a large feud between Paraguay and Brazil could be easily stopped by the Brazilian army. Brazil in this way is acting as the power within the region and is not respecting property rights and taking into consideration the concerns of the peasants. This act is only a sign of Brazil’s want for control over the region, as their farmers control much of the Paraguayan farmland for soybean farming and also the Hydroelectric dam, shared with Paraguay, which supplies a large amount of Brazil’s electricity.
Paraguay feels threatened by Brazil’s execution of army drills close to their border because of farm land that they believe is illegally controlled by Brazilian farmers. They do not wish to become controlled by Brazil because of their overwhelming presence as a South American power. Exercises by the Brazilian government only fuels tensions between the peasants, who feel as though they have been wronged by Brazilian farmers, and Brazilians who rely on Paraguay for resources.
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October 24, 2008 at 11:33 am