Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

A New Beginning in Kashmir
India and Pakistan have opened a trade route between each of their parts of Kashmir. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), owned by Pakistan, and Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) sent trading trucks between the two parts of Kashmir on Tuesday. The trucks were mainly carrying different types of fruit. This is the first time in 60 years that AJK and IHK have traded. These areas of land have been the focus of conflict between India and Pakistan for more than half a century. The route is to be open only two days a week.
By using diplomacy, India and Pakistan have come to terms on allowing trade between their respective parts of Kashmir. This increase of trade opens the economies of Kashmir to new sources of profit. IHK Governor Vohra agrees with this statement by saying, “It is a historic day which will surely help the economy of both parts of Kashmir.” This new trade allows for a sense of interdependence to form between AJK and IHK. This one step toward trade may enable a greater sense of interdependence to be formed in the future. The prime minister of Kashmir, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan, has high hopes for this interdependence when he says, “I have enough confidence that this beginning will allow us to regulate and form a stable commerce among both countries.” The opening of this trade route may also instill peace between India and Pakistan.
India and Pakistan have been fighting for the past 60 years over the Line of Control. The Line of Control is the border between AJK and IHK. The beginning of mutual trade between the two parts of Kashmir may assist in ending the conflict. AJK Prime Minister Atiqur Rehman agrees with this by saying that this new turn of events will hopefully “help make headway towards resolving the Kashmir issue."
Following the liberal perspective, this is a win-win situation for both India and Pakistan. They are cooperating to improve both areas of Kashmir. However, there is still hesitation in totally supporting this trade because the two countries have been at war with each other for the past 60 years. Rehman shows his hesitation when he says that “no high hopes should be attached.” He sees this as one event that may or may not dramatically alter the violent conflict between AJK and IHK.
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October 22, 2008 at 4:07 pm