Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

UN Explores Legality of Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence
Serbia requested that the International Court of Justice, part of the United Nations, examines the legality of Kosovo’s succession this February. The General Assembly approved Serbia’s request though the ICJ is likely to take one to two years to release a decision. Specifically, 77 countries voted in favor of Serbia’s request, six against and 74 countries abstained from voting.
Serbia’s request of the UN to examine the legality of Kosovo’s succession is a diplomatic action on the part of Serbia. Instead of simply exercising military force against the succeeding Kosovo, Serbia is seeking a diplomatic and an international solution to the conflict through this request. Serbia is recognizing the importance of having the support of and fully understanding the opinion of the international community.
The fact that Serbia is seeking the opinion of the international community displays recognition of the interdependence among state actors. Should the Serbian state make a move against Kosovo that is displeasing to the international community, trade among Serbia and other states could be negatively affected. This would, likewise, threaten the stability of the Serbian economy. Serbia does not wish to do anything that could threaten the current trade it has with other nations.
Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, stated that this request to the ICJ was an attempt to “reduce tensions in the region". Again this represents the thought that though the states are independent actors there is still an interdependence and legitimacy achieved through diplomatic action through the international community.
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October 8, 2008 at 11:02 pm