Introduction to International Politics

Foreign Event Analysis

EU Monitors Hep Bring Peace to Georgian Territories
The EU has deployed 200-300 monitors to Georgian territory as part of, and to observe the progress of, the Georgian-Russian cease-fire agreement. Specifically, the monitors are observing the dismantling of the Russian forces in Georgia and coordinating the arrival of Georgian law enforcement into the regions. The withdrawal is to be complete within ten days of the EU observer deployment into the area – thus, by October tenth. The observers will be placed in four locations of Georgian territory, including the town of Gori, near South Ossetia, and the port of Poti on the Black Sea. Moscow and the rest of the world continue to debate whether or not the South Ossetia and Abkhazia territories remain Georgian entities.
Georgia and Russia have agreed to the help of the European Union to better facilitate their peace process. Communication between Georgia and Russia and with the rest of the EU has increased and is found in negotiations. Neither state is using force or military power to influence any decisions in this matter. They respect the cease-fire agreement and turn to conversation to settle the dispute.
While Moscow disagrees with the Georgian control of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the state seeks to settle its dispute through discussion. The opposing sides understand the necessity and efficacy of cooperation. Russian president, Dmitri Medvedev, assures that another cold war will not arise from this conflict. The states are confident in their peaceful negotiations to come to a fair settlement in this debate
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October 3, 2008 at 11:35 am