MATH 121: Mathematical Ideas


MI ‘23: Course Documents

[The Course Documents]
Course Documents

A syllabus is a document that lays out the expectations in the course. Not only does it provide the grading scheme, it provides suggestions for success. Because the syllabus has grown to be such a large document, I have moved to an online syllabus that takes advantage of what the web can do. You are responsible for all that is in it.

Syllabus Schedule Slide Decks
Autumn 2023 [link] [calendar] [ppt]

Chapter Assignments

Hawkes is a great start. It really gives you practice in mathematics using targeted problems. Its strength is also its weakness: You know which section to focus on to solve a simple problem. To complement Hawkes, I designed these chapter assignments. These test a much larger range of material, forcing you to bring several disparate topics together to better understand them.

⟼ Link to Chapter Assignments page

Course Slide Decks

In learning any material, one must be active. One must attack the material to take ownership of it. There is no such thing as passive learning.

One aspect of being a better learner is to prepare for class daily. The quizzes I give help with that. So, too, does you reading through the slide deck I will be showing that day. Here is a link to the page proving them. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

⟼ Link to Slide Decks page