STAT 295: Elections with Statistics

MS2: Module Five, Linear Regression

[Module 5]
Module 5: Linear Regression

The second major application of statistical theory concerns “linear regression” — a technique for modeling the relationship between a dependent (response) variable and one or more independent (explanatory) variables.

As with most statistics, there are two aspects to this topic. The first is a mathematical certianty, given certain requirements are met. The second is a probabilistic uncertainty, given the data are representative of the parameter of interest. We will play nice in this module by assuming the assumptions are met by the variables.

Should those assumptions not be met, as is usually the case, then transformations, adjustments, and alternative modeling schemes should be used. However, such issues are in the purview of MATH/STAT 222: Linear Models. If this section of the couse interests you, I strongly suggest you take Linear Models in the future. It is an exciting course where we thoroughly cover the results of linear regression, how to fix the results when the requirements are not met, and how to better model the dependent variable using its characteristics.


By the end of this module, the student will


All readings are from our official textbook.

Example Scripts

The following R script provide some additional practice in statistical computing. Consider these to be required activities.

Statistical Computing Activity
