Introductory Statistics


IS: Previous Course Slide Decks

[Slide Decks]
Previous Slide Decks

This holds links to slide decks and videos from a previous incarnation of the course. The topics are similar enough that if you miss class, then these slide decks (and videos) wil keep you from falling too far behind.

To be clear, these are not the slide decks I use in the course this term. They are from Spring 2020. They are useful for you, however, if you become sick and need to hear a lecture over the material.

Module 1: Gathering Your Data
Getting Started: Statistics is the study of reality
Deck #1 HLS §1.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Data Classification: What information does the variable contain?
Deck #2 HLS §1.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Process of a Statistical Study: The scientific method again rears its head
Deck #3 HLS §1.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
How to Critique a Published Study: Not all published articles are created equaly
Deck #4 HLS §1.4 [ppt]
Module 2: Knowing Your Data
Frequency Distributions: Illustrating discrete distributions
Deck #5 HLS §2.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Graphical Displays of Data: How to summarize the data
Deck #6 HLS §2.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Analyzing Graphs: How do I tell the story in pictures?
Deck #7 HLS §2.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Measures of Center: Summarizing data with one number
Deck #8 R4S § 4.2 HLS §3.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Measures of Dispersion: A second statistic on the data
Deck #9 R4S § 4.3 HLS §3.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Measures of Relative Position: Standardizing variables
Deck #10 HLS §3.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Module 3: Probability Theory
Introduction to Probability: What is this monster?
Deck #11 HLS §4.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Addition Rules for Probability: Unions and sums
Deck #12 HLS §4.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Multiplication Rules for Probability: Independence, Bayes, and conditional probability
Deck #13 HLS §4.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Combinations and Permutations: Determining what counts
Deck #14 HLS §4.4 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Combining Probability and Counting Techniques: Bringing it all together
Deck #15 HLS §4.5 [ppt] [YouTube video]
An Introduction to Discrete Distributions: The foundations of half of probability
Deck #16 R4S § A.1 HLS §5.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions: Counting successful trials
Deck #17 R4S § A.2, A.3 HLS §5.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Poisson Distribution: Counting over time or space
Deck #18 R4S § A.7 HLS §5.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Hypergeometric Distribution: Countig scefl r
Deck #19 R4S § A.4 HLS §5.4 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Uniform Distribution: The other half
Deck #20 R4S § B.1, B.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Exponential Distribution: Time until success
Deck #21 R4S § B.5 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Normal Distribution: Gauss gave it to us
Deck #22 R4S § B.3, C.1, C.2 HLS §6.1–4 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Estimating the Binomial Distribution: Why do this now?
Deck #23 R4S § C.3 HLS §6.5 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Module 4: Introductory Inference
The Central Limit Theorem: The cornerstone of statistics
Deck #24 R4S § C.3 HLS §7.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Distribution of the Sample Mean: An important application of the CLT
Deck #25 R4S § C.3 HLS §7.2 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Distribution of the Sample Proportion: Recalling §6.5
Deck #26 R4S § C.3 HLS §7.3 [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Theory of the Confidence Interval: Estimating the parameter
Deck #27 R4S Ch. 4 HLS §8.1– [ppt] [YouTube video]
Confidence Intervals in R: Using the computer to make life easier
Deck #28 R4S Ch. 5 HLS §9.1– [ppt] [YouTube video]
The Theory of Hypothesis Testing: Testing claims about reality
Deck #29 R4S Ch. 4 HLS §10.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Hypothesis Testing in R: Using the computer to make life easier
Deck #30 R4S Ch. 5 HLS §10.2– [ppt] [YouTube video]
Module 5: Advanced Inference
Handling Proportions: One and two populations
Deck #31 R4S § 8.1, 8.2 HLS §10.4 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Matching a discrete distribution: Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit test
Deck #32 HLS §10.6 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Categorical Independence: Chi-square test of independence
Deck #33 HLS §10.7 [ppt] [YouTube video]
ANOVA: Comparing multiple means
Deck #34 R4S § 7.1, 7.2 HLS §11.6 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Beyond ANOVA: Which is different?
Deck #35 R4S § 7.3–7.5 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Correlation: Is there a relationship?
Deck #36 R4S § 12.1 HLS §12.1 [ppt] [YouTube video]
Linear Regression: What is that relationship?
Deck #37 R4S § 12.2– HLS §12.2– [ppt] [YouTube video]
Course Summation
Introductory Statistics: How Far We’ve Come
[ppt] [YouTube video]
This page was last modified on 2 January 2024.
All rights reserved by Ole J. Forsberg, PhD, ©2008–2024. No reproduction of any of this material is allowed without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.