Introductory Statistics


IS: Module One, Sampling

[Module 1]
Module 1: Gathering Your Data

This learning module deals with the effects of how one gathers data. While this may seem rather elementary, we discover that choices on collection method frequently impact our statistical conclusions. This is why we spend time examining how we can properly — and cheaply — collect a representative sample from the larger population.

However, this fails to answer the important questions: What constitutes an acceptable sampling method? What are the main types? When is each appropriate? These are questions one must wrestle with in planning to collect data.

[objectives] Module Objectives

By the end of this module, the student will

  • be able to identify the sampling method utilized by a researcher
  • compare and contrast the five allowable sampling methods
  • select a sampling method for a data-collection task

[videos] Videos

Here are some videos that you may find helpful for mastering the material in this module.

This page was last modified on 2 January 2024.
All rights reserved by Ole J. Forsberg, PhD, ©2008–2024. No reproduction of any of this material is allowed without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.