Chapter Assignment 5

[Chapter Assignment 5]
Chapter Assignment 5

For this Chapter Assignment, you will need to use functions to calculate certain aspects of a projectile flight off a cliff. The specifics are provided online and based on your student ID number. To get those specifics, go to

As with the second Chapter Assignment, you are given the option to practice or do the assignment. You are given the initial height of the projectile and the initial velocities. Your job is to calculate three things:

Remember that we are assuming that there is no air resistance. That means the horizontal velocity does not change and that the vertical velocity is only affected by the acceleration due to gravity (-32 ft/s²).

If you miss one of the answers, your grade will be 50%. If you miss two, it will be 25%. If you miss all three, it will be 0%. As such, it will behoove you to start early and practice. Remember to use step 4 of Pòlya’s problem solving technique.

Please be aware that I can check to see how often you practice.