Movie/Book Assignment:

This assignment is designed to encourage you to make connections between a movie or book and the political realm.  

Two movies will be shown throughout the semester: Twelve Angry Men and Thirteen Days.  The first movie is a drama that takes place inside the jury room after a murder trial.  It explores the inter-personal relationships within the room alongside the prejudices people bring to the jury.  The second movie explores presidential decision-making during a crisis situation -- the Cuban Missile Crisis, in this example.

Two books are available, if you would rather read: Utopia and Walden TwoUtopia is a guide to a new and radically different country.  Sir Thomas More wrote this fictional account to ridicule the then-current European political systems.  Walden Two is B. F. Skinner's attempt at writing a novel.  It explores a different type of utopia -- one that we can easily bring about... if we wish it.

You are responsible for watching the movie (or reading the book) and being involved in the class discussion.  That means you cannot watch the movies on your own and get full credit.  It also means you must come to the discussion section for the book you chose to read if you want full credit.

After watching the movie (reading the book) and contributing to the discussion, you will then write a short paper of approximately five pages.  This paper has two sections: summary and reflection.  The summary section is merely a summary of the movie (book).  You need to go into enough depth in the summary to prove to me that you did watch the movie (read the book) carefully.  The reflection section is your chance to show me what this movie (book) has to say about the world around us.  Depth will be rewarded, shallowness punished.  React to the movie (book).  

The entire project is worth 100 points.  It is due before you take the final exam (May 2, 12:30pm).

40 points = Summary
60 points = Reflection
-40 points = Not showing up for the discussion

The call numbers for the books are:
Utopia:  HX810.5 .E54
Walden Two:  PS3537.K527 W34

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